Summer 2024 Weapons Training Program

During the summer break the GAC is holding outdoor weapons training for beginners 3 days a week.

Suitable for those 10+ years old, the training includes the basics of working with a Bokken (wooden sword) & Jyo (wooden staff) in solo and paired practice.

GAC T-Shirts 

Arriving: August 15, 2024 

High Quality and Locally Printed!

Available in sizes for Men, Women & Children

Email us for our current availability!

GAC T-Shirt

Birankai Switzerland’s 2024 Annual Seminar

November 2 & 3, 2024 (Saturday & Sunday)


Hosted By the Griffin Aikido Club:  Balzers, Liechtenstein

2024 BCH 2024 Seminar

About Aikido

A traditional Japanese martial art that utilizes joint locks and throws in such a manner as to limit the harm done to an opponent.

About the Training

The GAC offers several types of training classes and courses, all  are non-competitive with no sparing or competitions.

About the Dojo

The GAC’s purpose and goals revolve around Aikido training for all skill levels and the support of the local community.

About Membership

Explore the GAC membership options and benefits for individuals and groups that prioritizes training & community.